My friend over at
Memoirs of a Chaotic Mommy tagged me for this meme well before Christmas, but I just didn't have time to get to it before the big day. My computer time is getting more limited now that Ethan is more awake. (He's nearly 3 1/2 months old already!) Plus, our computer room is *freezing* in the winter, so I tend to check email and get out! Which is also why I'm not keeping up with everyone's blogs as much as I would like to. I'm keeping up with reading them better than with commenting on them. I'm more of a lurker these days.
Anyhoo, here are my post Christmas answers:
“Favourite Christmas memory…”
Making breakfast with my sisters every Christmas morning once we got old enough. Our dad insisted on having breakfast before we attacked the presents, and the wait was excruciating for us! So my middle sister and I eventually got the idea to make breakfast as soon as we woke up. We would make something to eat -- at first cereal and toast; later, more elaborate hot breakfasts. Then we would wake our parents (think 6 am) and announce that breakfast was served! When our younger sister got old enough we included her in the ritual. It was a tradition we continued until we left home, though we eventually stopped getting up *quite* so early!
“Favourite Christmas song/carol…”
I love so many of them. I would say "O Holy Night" and "Carol of the Bells"
"Favorite Christmas Movie"
How the Grinch Stole Christmas The older TV-special version, that is.
"Favorite Christmas Character"
Mary. Gotta give props to any woman who gives birth in a stable, lol!
“Favourite Christmas ornament/object…”
No specific one. I have several "special" ornaments that I like about equally.
“Plans for this Christmas…”
We opened presents at home on Christmas morning, then went to my parents house for the afternoon/evening, as usual, and had a wonderful time!
“Is Christmas your favourite holiday?”
Yes, absolutely.