Wednesday, May 14, 2008

His "Tree Spot"

Wordless Wednesday


Jennifer said...

What a fantastic shot!! That's one to frame for his room, for sure.

Hawaiianatheart said...

Great picture!

Angela DeRossett said...

What a great picture!!!! It looks so summery and high up! How fun!

Anonymous said...

Aren't there are so many wonderful and exciting things in the world to see?!! When you can find a magical place, such as your tree, to look for them, life is so sweet! You look like an explorer, a captain on your ship, a mountain climber at the peak, a scientist searching for the next big idea...or a boy wondering about what is "over there?"
Grandma was a tree-climber and I had a favorite spot to sit and dream in an old apple tree on a hill near my house. A lesson I learned was this: *Always* pay attention to where your feet are!! :-)
We love you, Sweetheart. Keep on daring and dreaming!!

Grandma and Grandpa

Anonymous said...

Hello, Darling Daughter! I just wanted to give you kudos for being such a great mom. Your children are very blessed, even if they won't know it or acknowledge it for many more years - after *you* have emerged battered and beaten, but unbowed I'm sure, from their teen years. :-))
Thank you for the fun Mother's Day thoughts and the shout-out to me. You girls are *so much more* than I could ever have dreamed when you were born. And, believe me, I had pretty high hopes!
*Love you*, and thank you for making me "Mom" to Firmin and Grandma to Brianna, Alexander, and little Ethan.


Victoria said...

What a great spot! And what a perfect photo!

Thanks for sharing!

amers said...

what a fabulous keeper! the boy, the tree and the picture! great job, mom!