Thursday, February 14, 2008

My Quaker Children Build a Snow Man

Scene: Children are playing outside, rolling large balls of snow. I step out to put a bag of trash in the barrel.

Alexander: Mommy, we need my sword! Can you get it for us?

Me: Which one, the wooden one or the plastic one? (Clearly, I am an enabler.)

A: The wooden one. You know what we're doing?

Me: Building a snow knight?

A: No, we're going to build a snow man, then throw the sword at him and stick him with it. He's like our target!

I don't think they even bothered to make a head. Maybe that's a good thing. Anyway, no sentimental photos of smiling children next to a carrot-nosed Frosty this year. The snow man's body lies hacked to death in our yard. Ah, childhood!


Jennifer said...

Hilarious! I think Target Frosty would be an even better photo than Sentimental Smiling Kids & Frosty. Ha!

NorthCoastCouple said...

Who hasn't wondered what it would be like to stab large balls of snow? Well...I admit, I haven't, but if I'd had a sword when I was younger, it might have crossed my mind...

vegiemama said...

ROFL, now that's just funny funny funny! I for one think you should have taken pictures ;-)

Victoria said...

Perfect! LOL!

Paper Dali said...


Oh, I ... can ... hardly write ... from ... laughing ... so hard. And I love your hopeful: "Build a snow knight?" ROFL

Where's the picture? It would have been so cool.

naturalmom said...

OK, so I should have taken photos, lol! Unfortunately, it rained the other day, so there's not much left too see. Maybe they'll do it again one of these days! :-0

Aliki2006 said...

Poor snowman! Maybe save the pictures for, um, the next time?

Jenny said...

Too funny! Better the snowman than the dog, right?

Hey, I am actually here to comment on a completely unrelated topic. I just watched this NOVA special and it reminded me of an email conversation we had, gosh, probably two years ago now! Anyway, I was wondering if you saw it. It was really good.

(And sorry, I couldn't find your email to send this privately.)


naturalmom said...

Ooo, thanks for that link Jenny. I missed it when it was on TV. A man from our Quaker Meeting is portrayed in it briefly, I believe, (he was a witness in the court case,) so I wanted to see it. I never though of looking on line! Duh...
