Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Photo Fun with Brianna

Brianna took about 220 pictures with our portable webcam over the course of a few days this week. Here are couple of highlights:

New law enforcement idea: issue cheap cameras to everyone to catch assailants in the act.

Yeah, that's one of my good throw pillows -- the ones they aren't supposed to play with.

"Hey Mommy! I took a picture of myself!"


Aliki2006 said...

I love setting kids loose with cameras--the results are usually either totally hilarious, or amazingly artistic!


Jennifer said...

I love the look on Alexander's face! My kids LOVE the digital camera. They are completely bored now with any non-digital because they want to see the results right away. One part of me laments the fact that we are such an INSTANT society. The other part of me agrees with them - digital cameras *are* a lot of fun. I can only imagine a webcam!

naturalmom said...

Our web cam doesn't have the preview screen, which is a good thing, I think. They don't feel drawn to immediately evaluate each shot. We do have a regular digital camera (finally!) but that one is Mommy's and Poppy's! ;o) However, because they can't see the results instantly they will take *many* shots of the same thing. I think there must have been about 50 pictures of the ceiling fan blades in Brianna's download, lol! I like having the webcam because it's nearly impossible for the kids to destroy it, downloading the pictures is a snap, and I can delete *all* of the 215 shots we don't want with one click. :o)

Anonymous said...

Cutest kids I've ever seen! (along with J & J, of course!).
