Monday, April 09, 2007


I am a Flylady failure. I tried her system on two seperate occassions, and flunked out both times. Someone recommended the Home Management Binder system (*see note), at the heart of which are detailed schedules for each day. Desperate for some order in my life, I gave it a try. I always said I was not a "schedule" type of person. Apparently it's true, and that's exactly why I *need* a schedule to get anything done! I waste inordinate amounts of time when left to my own devices and then wonder why I don't have time for anything. With the schedules, I actually have *more* guilt-free free time than I did when I was always thinking, "I *should* be doing something else right now." I had fallen out of the schedule habit for several months and the chaos crept back slowly but surely. I'm back on track now and glad to be.

Below are some pictures of my binder. In addition to the schedule pages there are sections with frequently used recipes, to-do lists, weekly housekeeping tasks, etc. It really is nice to have everything in one place. Most pages are cased in page protectors so I can make notes on them with dry erase markers. The page protectors also allow me to pull the recipe out and use it in the kitchen without worrying about splatters and such. On the cover are "Guidelines for our Home" which include ideals we would like to live by to make our home a place of simplicity, love and warmth.

Here is today's schedule, for example. Sections in blue are items which include the kids. This makes it easy for Brianna to check the schedule to see what's up for them that day:


7:00 – 7:30 get up, play game with Alexander (and B. if up)
7:30 – 8:00 Make bread dough
8:00 – 8:45 Breakfast – clean up after
8:45 – 9:30 Shower and dress, brush teeth, etc.
9:30 – 10:00 Morning Meeting; Kids pick daily chores to be done before lunch

(Check bread)
10:00 – 10:30 Mommy’s quiet time
(Check bread if necessary)
10:30 – 11:30 Housework time
11:30 – 12:00 Fix lunch & tend to bread (1/2 hour warning on chores if needed)
12:00 – 12:30 Lunch
12:30 Xander leaves for school
12:30 – 3:00 Homeschool time with Brianna (plus library or short errands)
3:00 Pick up Xander

4:00 – 5:00 Make simple dinner and clean kitchen
5:00 – 5:30 Eat dinner

5:30 – 7:15 Brianna’s swimming class
7:30 Bedtime for kids (Poppy?)

8:00 – 10:00 TV time
10:00 Evening Routine
10:30 Get ready for bed
11:00 In bed

You'll notice the lack of computer time on today's schedule. According to the schedule, I should be making a quick dinner right now, but Brianna's swimming class was cancelled, so I have some unexpected free time.

The kids like it too, because they know what to expect. "Morning meeting" is something new that we are trying out, and I tried very hard to keep it at 9:30 every day. (I think there was only one day when it was impossible.) Most days I have exercise scheduled in, which seems to be the only way I can manage to get to it.

Just don't ask me how I'm going to manage this in the fall with a newborn, lol! I may have to take a break for another few months or longer. ;o)

*NOTE* I won't link to the site I got the binder idea from because the basic binder and mother's schedule system are the only parts I can recommend. The woman who runs the site also schedules her children's every move -- down to when it is child X's turn to sit on the sofa and read (Yikes!) -- and believes in training her children like dogs to obey the parent's every command just as she apparently obeys her husband's every command. (I need a barf icon here!) I simply can't in good conscience direct any traffic her way. If anyone wants to know more about the pearls I picked out of that mud, I'd be happy to share via email.


Devra said...

Like you, I am a Flylady flunkee. However, I discovered my own system which also includes guilt-free time for me as well as with the kids. We have a magnetic dry erase calendar on our fridge. Each member of our family has their own color marker. I never thought I would embrace the color coded calander, but what it great about it is I can look at it and instantly know if there is a ton of red (my color) that maybe I am doing too much, or if there is hardly any red, I need more *me* time. I also can tell right away if we are having family time somewhere or if the kids have too much going on in their lives as well. We all have different ways of keeping track of our lives, and while I am not saying it is perfect for anyone else, it works well for our family. Good luck with your binder it sounds like it may be your answer too! We all deserve to live life enjoying our parenting and ourselves sans guilt!

naturalmom said...

Thanks for visiting Devra! I can see getting into a color coded calender when my kiddos get a little older and everyone is heading in different directions. Glad you found something that works for you. :o)

Paper Dali said...

I've tried to do FlyLady, too. I mean, everyone is always posting about her so ... But, honestly, I get exhausted just reading about all the schedules. And theoretically, I would love to have everything sparkling clean, but I will settle for just clean if it means more time to just waste. OY.

I do need a schedule or SOMETHING. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed lately by this new house that we're renting.

If you could email me, I'd like to pick the pearls from the mud, as you colorfully said. Oh, I'm Maria from the iVillage Homeschooling board. You can email me at

Thanks, Stephanie!

Aliki2006 said...

That binder system sounds like it could be good--if you're organized enough, though, to keep it up. I don't know--I wish we could be more organized and scheduled sometimes, but it's so hard. Liam rebels at order and I feel like I'd be battling him all the time with the binder system. It probably helps that your kids are more accommodating!

naturalmom said...

Actually, the schedlues are mostly for me. The kids don't "feel" it much except for the chores part and the homeschooling part for Brianna, and within those they have a lot of flexibility about "what", "how", and even "when" to some degree. I don't schedule much of their lives beyond what most families do -- meals, bedtimes, etc. (Brianna probably has much *more* unstructured time in her day than most kids since she's not in school.) It's always up for negotiation, too. Alexander is not liking the Morning Meeting very much, so we may end up scrapping that. I'm going to give it a couple more weeks and see if he warms up to it, but if he doesn't, I'll probably try some other way to accomplish a sense of connection at the start of the day.

Brianna is the more accomodating of the two. In fact, I've found that having chore time on the schedule is much more effective than my simply asking her to do something. For some reason, if it's "on the schedule" she's less inclined to argue about it. It's as if she sees it as a "rule" or something. Alexander actually responds better to a spontaneous request, so I'm still thinking about how to work it out so that both kids feel good about helping around the house. It's a work in progress!