Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Lucky 13

What is the proper celebration of a 13th wedding anniversary?

What was that? Staying home and watching the Democratic National Convention, did you say? Hey, that's what we thought too! We'll be sure to snuggle on the sofa while we watch. :o)

Oh, and Happy Birthday, Sis! Thanks for giving up "your" day to celebrate "ours" back in 1995. We love 'ya!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Making Ice Cream

My new Kitchen Aid mixer came with a free ice cream maker attachment, which arrived in the mail last week. I've been promising the kids ice cream, and today was the day. I adapted a recipe from this book:
The recipe was nice and simple -- milk, cream, sugar, eggs, flavoring. (They suggested a historically typical lemon, we went with mint chocolate chip.)

I was able to make it using local ingredients, except for the chocolate and perhaps the mint oil. The cream and milk came from the cow herd we own a share in. The eggs from a family in our Quaker meeting who raise a few chickens in their back yard, the sugar was Michigan beet sugar. Even the mint flavoring *could* be local -- there are big mint farms in this area.

The recipe begins with a milk/sugar/egg yolk custard. The book states, "Don't expect your custard to be yellow like Eliza Jane [Wilder]'s unless your cream comes from grass-fed Guernseys and your eggs from scratch-fed chickens."

Check. Check. The cows are Jerseys rather than Guernesys, but that's a minor detail. ;o) I don't know why the fact that my custard was bright yellow made me so happy, but it did. (What I said in this post may have something to do with it.) Can all that beta-carotine and omega-3's make up for the huge hit of saturated fat? No? Oh well...

As much as I enjoyed getting in touch with the past, there is a time and place for modern conveniences. Like whipping egg whites to a stiff peak and turning an ice cream dasher for 30 minutes.

I don't have any pictures of the finished product. We were too busy eating!

Monday, August 04, 2008

Just for Fun!

Brianna and Alexander are off to "Grandma Camp" for a couple of days, Firmin is at work and Ethan is sleeping. With all the things I could/should be doing, here's what I'm doing instead. (Thanks for the inspiration, Angela!)

If you get a yen to similarly waste some time, head on over to this site and see what your yearbook photo might have been...

This would have been a decent look for me, though it
would take half a can of hairspray to stay that way.

Gotta love the glasses!

My mother's hair used to look like this.

My hair was very much like this in 1980, except I was 9. It was my first perm!

The year I graduated college. In real life I had a smart-looking, very short cut.