Sunday, August 05, 2007

Camping with Friends

It began as a brainstorm earlier this summer.

In conversation after Friends’ Meeting one Sunday, we discovered that a number of us enjoy camping. We thought it might be fun to do it as a group some weekend, so this weekend we did. The group consisted of 3 families who camped for 2 nights, one family who camped for 1 night, and one family that came out for the afternoon and evening on Saturday, but did not camp. Decent turn-out for a summer weekend!

We stayed at a lesser known, but beautiful rustic campground less than an hour from our city, which was not at all crowded. Good thing, since every family who participated had kids, most ages 8 and under! It felt good to let them roam and run and be as loud as they wanted to be. The kids had a blast – getting dirty and tired and eating too many marshmallows. They enjoy one another’s company so much every Sunday, and it was nice to give them a longer time to be together. Frankly, the same was true for us adults who also got dirty, tired and ate too many marshmallows. :o) We got quite a bit of time to visit, since the kids were occupied with playing together much of the time.

Camping always rejuvenates my spirits, but camping while 8 months pregnant takes it’s toll! Sleeping comfortably wasn’t a problem, thank goodness, but I’m tiring easily these days, and many tasks that usually take little effort (like stooping down to unzip the tent flap) are now awkward and difficult. The bathroom -- which I visited, um, frequently -- was a bit of a hike. It wasn't so far distance-wise, but down a rather long, steep hill that was a bear to climb back up sometimes. (I actually drove the van to the bathroom two or three times when I just couldn’t face the climb!) When I got home today, I treated myself to a nice bath, but my feet still ache.

I’m sorry to say that I didn’t bring a camera, but here are some highlights:

*Finding a cicada that had just emerged from it’s exoskeleton one morning. The still wet wings and body were beautiful shades of blue-green, pearl and silver. As the day wore on, the cicada’s colors darkened until the wings were mostly brown and only a hint of green was visible on the body. By mid-afternoon, it had moved on, leaving the discarded exoskeleton behind.

*Pot luck dinner on Saturday. Good food, good company, good fun, no cooking! (Except for the meat, but I wasn’t in charge of that!)

*My parents popping in at the campground to help celebrate my birthday. My dad brought his remote control airplane – a good size one – and thrilled the kids with a demo.

*Seeing Alexander get SO tired that he thought the trip to the beach – which happened at the peak of his fatigue – had been a dream. (He told me about his “dream” later that day. He still remembers little of the excursion, even though he now knows it really happened.)

*Enjoying the peaceful quiet of the campground with Firmin while everyone else was at the beach. (I didn’t feel up to sitting in the sun for several hours.) We talked for a while, then dozed in our chairs. Ahhh!

*Watching the kids – all the kids, not just mine – be great kids. Yes, they ran too far ahead of the grown ups on walks, and they didn’t always respond to adult instruction the first time, but I never saw them ostracize or tease one another. (Even between siblings there was a high level of civility and tolerance.) When they gleefully chased the remote control plane as it landed, my father yelled after them not to touch it, and they responded with restraint and respect. It was almost comical to watch them crowd around as close as humanly possible without touching it! Only the youngest – a 3 year old – ventured a finger to gingerly touch the edge of the wing once the plane had stopped. We may not be raising the most compliant and obedient children around, but I feel fairly confident in speaking for all the parents when I say that’s not really our goal. The children are clearly learning to navigate the world and their relationships with moral values and good judgment. *That* is the goal, and they are well on their way.

I love being a part of this family of Friends.


NorthCoastCouple said...

I can just picture everything...since I know where you were. Let me just say that sometimes I would go to that park while taking a break from work (when I worked in Ionia, of course), and it really was good for the soul. I hope you had a very happy birthday! I thought of you while working a 12-hour day, but didn't get the chance to call! I guess it wouldn't have mattered, since you weren't home anyway! Glad mom and dad made it out though. I'm sure dad was looking for a chance to "play" with that plane again. haha

Paper Dali said...

That sounds like the loveliest weekend. Siiiigh. I loved reading about it. I'm glad your family had the opportunity to do something so special like that.

And a belated happy birthday to a gal whose writing always gets me a-thinkin'. Blessings to you.

Jenny said...

Oh that sounds FABULOUS! We went camping when I was 8 months pregnant with Cameron, lol. I remember sitting in my rocking camp chair by the lake trying to suntan my very large belly. ;) Great time. Not much hiking. ;)

I love when kids can get together and just be themselves too. And I LOVE when they show you what wonderful people they are in those times. Too bad we have to enforce so many unnatural rules here in suburbia. What I wouldn't give to camp all the time... ok, not really but I love the freedom.

vegiemama said...

Sounds like you had a great time camping--even prego ;-) My mom remembers canoeing when she was 8 mo pg with me--and you know how you sit in the canoe with your legs spread? Well, she had a hard time standing up after being in that position for a while, because I'd settled nicely into a comfy position that wasn't comfy for momma to stand up in, LOL. I don't think she's ever forgiven me for that, but thank goodness she still loves me ;-)

K2 and my dad found a newly-emerged cicada bug outside 2 days ago as well--I wish I'd gotten to see it. It sounded like it was very beautiful.

Jennifer said...

Camping at 8 months pg and you're raving about it. Those must have been some GOOOOD marshmallows! LOL! (Really, it sounds like a magical time.)

naturalmom said...

Hi everyone. I'm glad my joy came across. I was wary about camping while so pregnant, but I'm so glad we did. I was also aware of the fact that it was our last family vacation as a family of 4. No more taking the back bench seat out of the van - yikes! We'll have more people and less room for all of our STUFF! lol!


Aliki2006 said...

I'm in awe of your enthusiasm about camping while pregnant, too! But good for you, Stephanie--it sounds like it was fabulous!