Thursday, October 18, 2007

Thursday Thoughts

A baby is a gift to more than just his family.

The other day I went to the annual apple give-away sponsored by our city’s Garden Project. Participants can fill 2 paper grocery bags with free apples – a total of 35 – 40 lbs of apples! Problem was, I forgot to bring my baby sling for Ethan and he was NOT going to be content in his car seat while I filled my bags. I handed him to Brianna, but her seven-year-old arms aren’t strong enough to carry him for longer than a few minutes. When she tired, I held him while she began to pack apples... slowly! I resigned myself to the fact that this was going to take much longer than I had planned on.

My rescuer was a woman in late middle age. She turned to me with a hopeful expression and said, “I could hold him.” Hold him she did, while Brianna and I packed our two bags and I carried them to the car. “You forget how tiny they are!” she cooed. He fussed only a tiny bit to the woman’s delight and my relief. Every time I looked over to check on them, the woman looked radiant. When she handed him back to me, we thanked each other. Somehow I think I did her a bigger favor than she did me.

Alexander is diligently saving polar bears. Whenever someone leaves a light on, he admonishes us to turn it off “to save polar bears.” Somewhere, he must have heard of the connection between energy use, global warming and the melting Artic ice. It’s not only cute, it’s effective! :o)

Alexander is also learning to read. He got a unused phonics workbook handed down to him by his cousin. I thought we probably wouldn’t use it either, since Xander has thus far eschewed formal study of reading. (While at the same time wishing desperately that he *could* read!) Nevertheless, I showed it to him and left it out for him to look at if he wished to. Later, he asked me to help him with it and that was it – he was off! He did about 100 pages over two days. I went to the library and got him some very easy readers, including the wonderful Otto books by David Milgrim. He is *so* proud of himself! It’s wonderful to see.

To help him along, we've borrowed the DVD box set of The Electric Company episodes from our library. The Electric Company has to be the best reading program ever aired on TV. It's entertaining for adults too -- with a cast that includes Bill Cosby, Rita Moreno, and Morgan Freeman, how can you go wrong?

Here are a couple of more recent shots of Ethan. He’s growing and changing before our eyes! He’s going bald right now. It’s not evident yet in these photos, which were taken a couple of weeks ago, but over the past week, he’s lost most of the hair on the top of his head in a male-pattern baldness progression. I wonder if it’s a precursor to later mid-life baldness? I don’t recall it happening to Alexander. There is some male-pattern baldness in my family, so it’s possible. Luckily, baldness in babies is both cute and temporary!


huddtoo said...

Nice to see you Stephanie!! :)

Great thoughts! It's great that A took off with that book so well! I'm sure he's proud!
So sweet about the apples and the woman that helped you. Sometimes you can just tell when someone wants to genuinely help and is not some crazy person wanting to steal your baby...and it's great that you seemed to make her day (or well Ethan did).

And nice to see updated pics of E! So, so cute! I could scoop him right up! Tho, everyone loves new babies! He looks like A to me!

Jennifer said...

A baby really is a gift to more than just his family. So true. Babies make everyone happy. And, wow, is yours a cutie-pie! :)

And on another note: Go Alexander! That's fantastic!

Victoria said...

Hi there! Welcome "back"! Loved your sweet story about the lady holding Ethan. He's sooo cute - I bet everyone wants to hold him! =)

WTG Alexander!!

Anonymous said...

Ethan looks so much like the other kids, yet different too! So cute though.

Just Me said...

I do consider it a favor/gift for me to get to hold anyone's ittybitty. They are not that little for long and oh man are they just delicious! Ethan is especially delightful looking. Glad it all worked out for everyone.

Congratulations to Alexander. When they are ready they can really make great strides in a short amount of time. Thanks for the recommendations on the Electric company and the Otto books.


Jenny said...

Oh, Ethan is so sweet! I can't believe how fast he's growing up already. Your story about the apple orchard was fabulous. I love that that woman was so enchanted by him and not afraid to offer help just so she could hold him. People tend to fear other people so much sometimes, it just really warms my heart to see such a wonderful example of a win-win situation.

Aliki2006 said...

What a heartwarming story--I do agree, I think you probably did her a huge favor!

I love that picture of Alexander engrossed in the reader. And Ethan--he IS changing and growing. He's beautiful.

Paper Dali said...

Awesome apple story. Such a sweet narrative ...

Way to go, Alexander. Yaaaaaay!

And seriously, could your baby be cuter? (That's be a NO!) He is unbelievably cute. Oh. My. Goodness. I'd spend all my mommyhood nibbling up that cuteness if he were my baby. He's so seriously sweet. : )

Enjoy, enjoy!

vegiemama said...

Yay Alexander for the reading progress!!! Someday this will all be behind you and you'll wonder what you were worried about ;-)

Ethan is just adorable! He's got that "all filled out but still a new baby" look. Precious.